Sunday, 13 September 2015

Back to school

Hello, my dears! Here we are again, after a considerable absence. We are doing fine, holiday over, laptop repaired, adventures and misadventures concluded. For now. I promise I will come back to the recount of our fabulous road trip, delayed by an unpredicted problem with all my technology.
Today I want to remind us all how wonderful the first day of school is: children, teachers, parents, grandparents - we're all excited and hopeful: some happy to meet their mates again, others happy they can breathe a bit while their children are busy playing and learning, most of us surely have their reasons to celebrate on this unique day in the year and maybe get a bit nostalgic.
'Cause this is what happened to me. I got all nostalgic. I remembered how my heart would beat out of my chest, how impacient I was to get my school bag ready, full of those wonderful new stationery items, my new, fresh paper smelling writing books, my new ink pen that would help me get my calligraphy beautiful (provided that it actually worked, as it rarely did). Oh, how exciting those preparations were! Sure, I would often cry I didn't get exactly the bag I wanted or the shoes I liked, but on the big day, nothing else really mattered. Just going back to school. And with the obligatory bunch of flowers in my arms, almost covering my shy face, I was ready to meet my teacher. Well, ready or not, I had to. A new adventure started every year, hopes and dreams, fears and worries - they all moulded me into the adult I am today, although somewhere inside me the little, introvert girl, with her eternal plated hair, still hides timidly.
Animated by all these moving memories, I dared to be a little girl today and posed playfully for my daughter, who gracefully allowed me to get to be a girl ready to go back to school once again. Thank you, Anita! Good luck to you, my sweetie, in this tremendously important school year ( I know you'll make me proud again) and good luck to all of you, students and parents everywhere. May a new great school year begin for all! ( We already started a couple of weeks ago, catch us up!)

And this is me, on my first day of school, just a few years ago :)

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