Saturday, 26 March 2016

One day spring

Isn't it funny how in the UK, the second the sun shines for five minutes, everyone acts like it's summer? A couple of weeks earlier we were all in our heaviest winter gear and now, for a day, we were all crowding to the seaside, dressing and behaving as if it was June, with a few children even daring to dip their feet into the sea. We're hilarious! Yes, I was shivering in my Laura Ashley perforated cardigan, with my summer stripy dress under, in the chilly sea breeze, but I was embracing it all! Holiday buzz, children laughing and throwing sand in our fish and chips, seagulls ready to attack, but posing so gracefully to my camera, a few blossoming trees, gorgeous light from a deceiving sun, colourful beach huts - they all created a picturesque scenery I desperately needed after so much work and stress. I loved strolling on the pebbles, feeling the wind, a bit too harshly at times, and not thinking of anything. Oh, yes, I loved my one day spring and it's back to winter now: rain, cold and grey everywhere. I recharged my batteries for a little bit and I'll be waiting patiently for the real spring. It was a one day blessing I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated.

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